Examples of Philanthropy
On 14 November 2022

Philanthropy can be a valuable tool for improving basic conditions in developing countries. For example, it can improve the efficiency of administrative institutions, the quality of physical infrastructure, and the sustainability of natural resources. Exxon Mobil has committed significant resources to improve the basic conditions of people in developing countries.
Examples of Philanthropy for Group Volunteering
Group volunteering is a type of philanthropy that a business can use to help a nonprofit. The idea behind the group volunteering is that businesses can partner with nonprofits and provide free material support for their operations. An example of this type of philanthropy would be a company-organized food drive or day of service.
Corporate philanthropy
Many venerable blue-chip companies have a history of corporate philanthropy. In the mid-twentieth century, these companies began implementing formal corporate philanthropic programs—however, the Great Depression and two world wars damper the growth of corporate philanthropy. As a result, businesses had to rethink corporate citizenship. As a result, some companies started to cut back on their philanthropic programs, while others abandoned them altogether.
A corporate philanthropy program may involve funding nonprofit organizations, sponsoring community initiatives, or promoting employee volunteerism. These programs are a great way for companies to increase their positive impact on society. In addition, some companies offer monetary grants, in-kind donations, and matching gifts for various nonprofit causes.
A corporate philanthropy program can help a company’s reputation in employees’ eyes. Employees want to work for companies that make them feel good about themselves and their employer. Hence, it is essential to build and expand such a program.
Cause-related marketing
Cause-related marketing focuses on a social or environmental issue and engages the target audience in doing good. This can include encouraging your audience to donate, volunteer, or interact with your nonprofit. This kind of marketing may also encourage audience members to share your posts. The key to successful cause-related marketing is to find a cause that is relevant and sensitive to your company’s brand.
In some cases, cause-related marketing can help businesses boost employee morale, which improves productivity. It can also have a direct impact on the company’s bottom line. For instance, Nike saw its stock rise after releasing an ad featuring Colin Kaepernick, a football player. This tactic allowed Nike to appeal to a specific target audience and boost its brand equity.
While cause-related marketing is effective, it can backfire if the campaign fails to deliver on its promise. For example, a lack of authenticity or misalignment between the cause and the brand can backfire on your audience. Furthermore, in a rush to make its cause-related marketing campaign timely, a business may overlook important aspects of its mission or the target audience. In such cases, cause-related marketing examples can serve as cautionary tales.
Examples of Philanthropy for Matching gifts
Matching gifts can be an effective way to raise more money for your nonprofit organization. These programs often require a donation from a donor, which the organization then matches. This strategy is particularly effective during the year-end when donors are in the peak of giving mode. According to some studies, up to 42 percent of online giving occurs during November and December, and 20 percent occurs in the last 48 hours of the calendar year. It is, therefore, crucial that your organization market its matching gift programs effectively.
Matching gifts are popular among nonprofits. They can increase your fundraising revenue and strengthen donor relationships. Donorbox encourages nonprofits to make the most of these programs throughout the year. For example, mentioning a matching gift can boost marketing response rates by 71%, motivating donors to make larger or more frequent donations. In addition, mentioning matching gifts can help you establish new relationships with companies in your community.
Companies often match donations made by their employees to nonprofit organizations. They have set deadlines for matching gifts and require donors to complete a form within a certain amount of time. Generally, a matching gift request must be submitted within three months of the date of the donation.